sabato 7 gennaio 2017


DASH (DRK – formerly known as Darkcoin and XCoin)

 was conceived as an alternative to Bitcoin from which is mainly different for the absolute anonymity features. It achieves this goal through Darksend, a protocol that creates an impenetrable mix of transactions before you send to corrected addresses. This prevents any attempt of tracking, thus making DASH similar to cash. 
Technically DASH is a Bitcoin fork, from this it follows that it’s easy adopt new applications designed to Bitcoin. This effective feature of anonymity in transactions, needless to say, have often associated with this Altcoin to various criminal and terrorist activities. HISTORY The creator of DASH is Evan Duffield, Apple Developer software since he was 15 years old, passionate finance, economics and artificial intelligence. Before Darkcoin project worked in the field of search engine and learning algorithms for financial models. It was January 18, 2014 when Evan announces the launch of Darkcoin (XCoin, at the time) on BitcoinTalk.

What makes it different from other Dash crypto coins, besides the aforementioned anonymity? DASH offers very fast transactions, even snapshots. The concept introduced, the peer-to-merchant, enabling transactions to be completed in seconds instead of minutes required for the Bitcoin network, not counting the times to obtain satisfactory confirmation. To get these risultai, DASH, uses a new protocol called InstantX, which operates by locking in no time preventing the transfer so the double expense.

 offers a better anonymity compared to Bitcoin thanks to Darksend, a system that produces a real mix of transactions making various payments indiscernible from one another. Anonymity, of course, is not always important for all users, but if we think of countries managed by totalitarian regimes in which you do not want to know what is done with his own money, this feature becomes important. However, regardless of why you would like your own absolutely private transactions, Darksend provides users full right to financial privacy. 

Another concept introduced by Evan, the creator of DASH, is that of masternodes. A masternode can be hosted by anyone who comes into possession of 1,000 DASH (about 4000 USD) This amount represents a guarantee that discourage speculators from acquiring 51% of masternodes. The masternodes essentially perform duties on the DASH network, such as the mixing and distribution of payments by Darksend. Since this has a cost, the masternode hosts receive a percentage of the block premium. That’s right: investing on a masternode, you will earn dividends from each extracted block. The ROI on masternodes was approximately 14% a year, not bad given that basically nothing is done and keeps intact the capital of DASH 1,000 invested. Moreover, masternodes actually creates a decentralized system of government. Possessing a masternode you can also participate in the voting on future projects, in a manner similar to what happens between a company and its shareholders.

The technological aspect of DASH, as previously explained, is certainly relevant, the development team has proven to be a real asset to the Crypto world. For example, the recently DASH team withdrew its aliases. This is not a step by little, as the community of the most coins have developers who hide behind their usernames without anyone knowing who they really are.

 CONCLUSIONS Buy Bitcoin at CEX.IO Predicting the future of long-term cryptocurrencies is difficult because of the speed of transformation of the sector, but it is reasonable to believe that DASH is a project destined to grow, and it is likely that the DASH could soon reach a much higher value of ‘ current.


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Il Bitcoin rete è un peer to peer (P2P) o di una rete decentrata senza punto centrale di guasto o comando. Tutti i nodi, o computer, che partecipano alla rete sono uguali - non esiste una gerarchia - o nessuna topologia come la rete è piatta.
La rete Bitcoin è una raccolta di nodi che eseguono il protocollo Bitcoin P2P con altri protocolli come strato, utilizzato per leggere portafogli mobili s (dove la catena blocco completa non viene scaricata) o per l'industria mineraria.
Anche se la rete è piatta, e tutti i nodi sono uguali, alcuni nodi o computer svolgono un compito diverso.

Un nodo pieno fa routing, contiene una copia completa del database blockchain, esegue l'estrazione e fornisce servizi di pagamento. Ogni nodo deve fornire la funzione di routing per partecipare alla rete. Routing è solo un altro modo per dire che il nodo convalida e passa sulle transazioni e bloccare così come la scoperta e il mantenimento di collegamenti con altri nodi, siano essi i nodi completi o no.

Alcuni nodi non sono in possesso di una copia completa del blockchain e verificare le transazioni utilizzando la verifica di pagamento semplificato, o SPV.

I nodi di data mining,  vengono eseguiti con specifici chip integrati di applicazioni specializzate per risolvere la prova dell' algoritmo di lavoro . Alcuni dei nodi minerari sono nodi pieni, mentre altri sono leggeri partecipano alle pools minerarie con  l'utilizzo di un server pool per mantenere un nodo completo.

i portafogli possono essere un nodo pieno - come è il caso con il download del client completo bitcoin sul desktop. portafogli mobili, tuttavia, non possono tenere l'intero blockchain attraverso requisiti di spazio e sono essenzialmente semplificazioni  di pagamento con nodi di verifica o con nodi leggeri.

Oltre a questi principali classificazioni ci sono altri server e nodi che eseguono altri protocolli - come portafogli alternativi e pools miners specializzate.
La rete Bitcoin principale contiene circa 7000-10000 nodi alla volta!

Quando si unisce alla rete per la prima volta un nuovo nodo deve scoprire almeno un altro nodo esistente - L'ubicazione geografica non assume  la precedenza in questa procedura. Il nuovo nodo invia una serie di messaggi e poi se l'altro nodo desidera formare una connessione  risponde.

Il nuovo nodo deve formare nuove connessioni alla rete, come a volte alcuni nodi vanno offline di tanto in tanto come lquando le persone spengono i loro computer . Poi il nuovo nodo viene ingranato nella rete e viene creato resilienza.

Se si desidera eseguire un nodo completo ,devi attendere  che  tutte le transazioni dal Bitcoin dalla sua genesi nel 2009 vengano  scaricate. Questo viene fatto richiedendo ad altri nodi di  inviare tutte le loro informazioni a voi, e per non sovraccaricarli , questo procedimento può essere fatto in combinazione con altri nodi.

venerdì 6 gennaio 2017


Buy Bitcoin at CEX.IO
Un albero Merkle è come un albero binario come la struttura di condensare tutte le transazioni da hash in un blocco.

  Il modo in cui funziona è come un albero binario tradizionale.
  Gli alberi Merkle sono utilizzati in molte funzioni di crittografia per fornire la memorizzazione dei dati efficiente e ridurre il livello di dati necessari per dimostrare qualcosa che esiste.
Tutte le operazioni che il minatore ha raccolto sono ordinati in una fila - con la generazione o la transazione coinbase prima (la transazione che genera i Bitcoin per il minatore che ha trovato la soluzione al blocco precedente) - se il numero di transazioni è dispari allora l'ultima operazione si aggiunge due volte per rendere il numero ancora - il numero di livelli dell'albero dipende da come molte transazioni.

La prima operazione è hashing tramite SHA-256 , poi la seconda e la terza, e così via. Il passo successivo è quello di hash gli hash della prima e la seconda, poi la terza e la quarta e poi la quinta e la sesta. Dopo questa fase il hash degli hash della prima e la seconda con i hashses del terzo e quarto operazioni.  
Questo continua fino alla cima dell'albero.
Si ricorda che l'algoritmo di hash SHA-256 produce una stringa di 32 byte, in modo che quando si concatena una stringa 32byte con una stringa di 32 byte si crea una stringa di 64 byte. Questo viene poi hash SHA-256 per produrre una stringa di 32 byte di destra l'albero Merkle fino a quando tutte le operazioni sono state unite in su.

La risposta corrispondente dopo che l'albero Merkle è stato calcolato è la radice Merkle - di nuovo un numero di 32 byte. Per ogni minatore radice Merkle è in genere diverso, come il modo in cui ogni minatore ordina operazioni è diversa e così gli hash sono diverse.
Ciò significa che tutti i minatori non sono in esecuzione attraverso lo stesso insieme di calcoli quando stanno applicando le loro ASIC attraverso la forza bruta per risolvere laprova di lavoro .

Bitcoin “Bit by Bit” – Gold Necklace

$75.00 – $85.00
Inspired by Bitcoin, this pendant necklace is a must-have for anyone who believes in the power of cryptocurrency. Discreet yet sophisticated, it will style up any outfit of yours.
Material -> Sterling Silver 925 (base) with Gold coating and Chain (made in Italy)
Handcrafted -> 3 day lead time is required before shipping your item
Worldwide shipping -> Regular Air Mail or DHL Express
Necklace size -> 18″, 20″, 22″ or 24″ (pictured)

giovedì 5 gennaio 2017

ISCRITTO DAL 19/12/2016

BitSea was found in 2014 by a team of professional financial experts and is a Bitcoin mining and trading company. During economic crises in many countries of the world, Bitcoin is an excellent channel for investment. Bitcoin's volatility provides Bitsea experts the ability to leverage the money to bring the company to success.

In 2015 Bitsea management decided to expand services and to develop an online platform. This investment program is structured as BTC ONLY HYIP with the Piggy Bank approach. This mean that investors have the capacities to have back their investments anytime, paying a 8% fee. You can start investing in BITSEA just with 0.001 Bitcoin.

Investment Plans:
0.13% hourly 3.12% daily
min: 0.001 BTC max: 5 BTC

0.15% hourly 3.6% daily
min: 5.001 BTC max: 50 BTC

0.21% hourly 5.04% daily
min 50.001 BTC max: unlimited

All plans have Deposit Back Anytime - 8% Fee
Others Features
All withdrawals are processed instantly
You can invest via Bitcoin only
The minimum deposit amount is 0.001 BTC. No limit for the maximum deposit.
You can open an unlimited number of deposits.
The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.0001 BTC. The maximum withdrawal amount is not limited.
The company offers affiliate program. You can be rewarded by 5% from invited partners.
To participate in the affiliate program participation is not required.
The site use a extended SSL certificate by Comodo.
We Like:
  1. Positive trends of popularity and investments
  2. Principal back anytime with a fee
  3. Principal included in interests return.
  4. Unique and running perfectly script (Goldcoders based)
  5. Extended SSL certificate
  6. Support form / email support (the phone and SkyPe support will activate soon)
  7. The Admini has done a very professional job included promotional video and also worked on social media 
  8. No “Phantom Riches” tactics
  9. No “Scarcity” tactics
  10. Not too “High Return”
  11. Balanced interests on the basis of the amount invested
We Dislike:
  1. No chat for speed support (Admin have activated SkyPe now)
  2. the 8% fee for the principal back is a bit too hight
LIFETIME: from 11/24/2016
SCRIPT: GoldCoders
SERVER: Not dedicated

Payement processor: Bitcoin


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L'algoritmo di hashing è un'arma importante in qualsiasi sistema crittografico . 

 Queste chiavi  sono ovunque su internet, per lo più utilizzate per proteggere le password, ma anche come struttura della maggior  parte  delle valute crittografiche, come Bitcoin e litecoin .
La caratteristica principale di un algoritmo di hashing è che  funziona in un solo verso -  in altre parole gira dall'uscita versol' ingresso, ma non è possibile ottenere il viceversa ,l'ingresso verso l'uscita  viene negato.
Proprio come una crittografia a curva ellittica in cui non si può ottenere la chiave privata dalla chiave pubblica.  

L'altra proprietà è che lo stesso input crea la stessa uscita.
La maggior parte degli algoritmi di hashing, tra cui il CSA ei RIPEMD  tutti discendono dalla famiglia MD4.
L'algoritmo di hashing MD4 è stato sviluppato da Ronald Rivest specificamente per consentire facile implementazione del software.
  L'algoritmo MD4 e i successivi algoritmi SHA utilizzano variabili a 32 bit con funzioni booleane bit per bit, come la logica AND, OR e gli operatori XOR per lavorare attraverso dall'ingresso al cancelletto di uscita.
Così come fa un lavoro l'algoritmo di hashing - in questo caso uno sguardo a SHA1:
1 - Creazione di cinque variabili
H0 - 01100111010001010010001100000001
H1 - 11101111110011011010101110001001
H2 - 10011000101110101101110011111110
H3 - 00010000001100100101010001110110
H4 - 11000011110100101110000111110000
2- Poi scegliere una parola di hash. In questo caso si sceglierà la parola "CRYPTO"
3- Convertire la parola in ASCII - "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". Ogni lettera ha un numero assegnato.
CRYPTO - 67-82-89-80-84-79
4- convertire il codice ASCII a binario -
CRYPTO - 01000011-01010010-01011001-01010000-01010100-01001111
5- unire caratteri e aggiungere 1 fino alla fine.
CRYPTO - 0100001101010010010110010101000001010100010011111
6- Aggiungere zeri per rendere il messaggio pari a 448 mod 512 - (aritmetica modulare, proprio come un orologio se non con 512 ore). Quindi un messaggio a 48 bit con l'aggiunta dovrà avere 399 zeri aggiunti alla fine, e se il messaggio era di 64 caratteri (o 512 bit) di lunghezza che si avrebbe bisogno di 447 zeri.
7- Aggiungere la lunghezza del messaggio originale nel campo a 64 bit che rimane dopo l'aritmetica modulare 448. Il messaggio è lungo 48 caratteri che esprimevano in binario è di 110000 Così il sottostante viene aggiunto alla fine del messaggio, in parte a sei.
8- Rompere il messaggio fino in sedici sezioni di 32 caratteri / bit.
9- Trasforma i 16 x 32 parole bit di caratteri in 80 parole utilizzando una funzione di passo loop. Per prima cosa selezionare quattro parole per la prima esecuzione attraverso il ciclo che sono stringhe di 1,3,9 e 14 dal punto 8.
La prossima volta attraverso il ciclo useremo parole 2,4,10,15 dalla fase 8.
Il processo successivo è quello di XOR le parole insieme. XOR è solo una funzione di calcolo di base che fornisce l'uscita q solo se i due ingressi entrambi hanno un 1 in quella posizione - se non lo fanno l'uscita è zero.
La funzione è ((14 XOR 9) XOR 3) XOR 1) che è:
10- eseguire un fianco ruotare sui numeri - cioè spostare la cifra più a sinistra a destra.
Questo processo viene ripetuto finché ci sono 80 parole o stringhe di 32 bit.
10- Il passo successivo è quello di eseguire una serie di funzioni oltre le parole in un ordine specifico che opera al largo delle cinque variabili che sono stati fissati al punto 1. Le funzioni combinano AND, OR e NOT operatori combinati con turni di sinistra.
Il risultato finale è che si sono lasciati con cinque variabili di:
H0 - 01000100101010010111000100110011
H1- 01010000111001010011100001011000
11- Convertire le variabili H in esadecimale:
H0- 44a97133
H1- 50e53858
f058463d H2
H3 - 4bf7f1e5
H4 - 42d9ca4b
12- Unire le variabili insieme per dare l'hash digest:
Questo è il processo di base dietro hashing - semplicemente convertire un numero in binario quindi eseguire una serie di semplici funzioni che operano attraverso processi transistor di serie e degli autobus di base come AND, XOR, NOT, Ruota & O.  
Questa è una delle ragioni che ASIC, o applicazioni specifiche chip possono essere progettati in grado di ottimizzare l'hashing. Nel caso di SHA-256 chip sono stati specificamente progettato per ottimizzare le interazioni durante le fasi dell' aumento della velocità di creazione un hash da un input.

 Nel caso delle miniere questo significa che è possibile calcolare più hash al secondo scorrendo i parametri nonce e nonce in più e hanno una maggiore probabilità di vincere il premio di blocco.
Buy Bitcoin at CEX.IO


Acquisto e vendita di bitcoin e monete virtuali  In una risoluzione i chiarimenti delle Entrate sul trattamento fiscale  

Esenzione Iva per le operazioni di cambio di bitcoin. Le attività di intermediazione di valuta tradizionale con moneta virtuale svolte dagli operatori del mercato non scontano l’Iva in quanto rientrano tra le operazioni relative a banconote e monete. Per i clienti persone fisiche, invece, che detengono i bitcoin al di fuori dell’attività d’impresa, si tratta di operazioni a pronti che non generano redditi imponibili perché manca la finalità speculativa. Sono questi i principali chiarimenti della risoluzione n. 72/E pubblicata oggi, con cui l’Agenzia delle Entrate, in linea  con i recenti orientamenti della Corte di Giustizia dell’UE, illustra il trattamento fiscale da applicare a chi svolge attività di acquisto e cessione a pronti di moneta virtuale in cambio di valuta “tradizionale”.  

Imposte dirette e Iva -

 Il documento di prassi precisa che le operazioni relative ai bitcoin sono prestazioni di servizi esenti da Iva. Sul piano della tassazione diretta, invece, i ricavi che derivano dall’attività di intermediazione nell’acquisto e vendita di bitcoin sono soggetti ad Ires ed Irap, al netto dei relativi costi. Per valutare i bitcoin di cui la società dispone a fine esercizio occorre considerarne il valore normale, cioè la loro quotazione in quel momento. 

Niente oneri da sostituto d’imposta  

- Per quanto riguarda i clienti persone fisiche che detengono i bitcoin al di fuori dell’attività d’impresa, la risoluzione chiarisce che si tratta di operazioni a pronti che non generano redditi imponibili perché manca la finalità speculativa. Ne deriva che gli operatori non sono tenuti agli adempimenti tipici dei sostituti d’imposta. Resta ferma la facoltà dell’Agenzia, in sede di controllo, di acquisire le liste della clientela per le opportune verifiche. 
Roma, 2 settembre 2016


Ripple (XRP) is both: a digital currency and a payments netwok.
The goal of the ripple system, according to its web site, is to allow people to get rid of the “wallet gardens” of financial networks, as credit cards, banks, PayPal and all other institutions that, as says OpenCoin (, the company behind Ripple, lives creating obstacles to the currency transfers.
The project, therefore, addresses the need to flow freely all transactions, using the global network.

Says David Schwartz, chief cryptographer Ripple: “The payment systems operate today as the e-mail in the early 80s. Each provider has built its own system and if people are using different systems, these do not have the ability to interact easily with another. Ripple is designed to connect the different payment systems. Schwartz provides that “Big companies will lose control over the transfer of currency as well as have in fact already lost control of the information flow.”.

Who is behind Ripple? The company that designed the protocol Ripple, the OpenCoin, was co-founded by CEO Chris Larsen and CTO Jed McCaleb. McCaleb was in Mt Gox (the company that managed highest Bitcoin trade in the world that went bankrupt in 2015, losing 345 million dollars) while Larsen had co-founded and led the financial society E-LOAN.
Ripple rather than a rvale, arises then as a complement of Bitcoin and other Altcoin, the Ripple network is designed to allow the seamless transfer of any form of currency, they are dollars, Euros, pounds, yen or bitcoin. For example, a user can transfer dollars ripple through, and the recipient receiving euro.
For a small business that does business with foreign countries, rather than for a big company can get more favorable terms from the banking system, the advantages that introduces Ripple would be enormous. Transfer money abroad can take it up to five days and the transfer fee to climb to 7 percent. Ripple transfers money in times ranging from three to five seconds and with almost no cost.
Unlike other Altcoin and Bitcoin, the Ripple currency is not undermined, they were created hundred billion at the time of the constitution and will not be created other XRP.
Currently Ripple is the third currency, after BTC and ETHER cup with a market of about 275 million and a XRP equates to about $ 0.008.


martedì 3 gennaio 2017


Buy Bitcoins with Credit Card

Una pool mining o piscina mineraria di bitcoin come ad esempio è una associazione  di minatori che lavorano insieme per ridurre la volatilità dei loro rendimenti.

 E 'la stessa cosa di una diversificazione nella gestione di portafoglio dove tiene dieci titoli diversi dove  è molto meglio che tenerme uno.
Quando i minatori  cercano  di trovare una hash per il blocco desiderato, che stanno cercando, partecipano  ad una specie di lotteria.
  Infatti, su  un migliaio di biglietti , con  uno solo  la probabilità di  vincere la lotteria è uno su mille, ma se ne abbiamo  100 di biglietti, allora le probabilità è uno su dieci.

Tuttavia, se non può permettersi il costo di 100 biglietti è possibile partecipare insieme ad altri 99 individui e formare un gruppo  per  dividere la ricompensa ogni volta che si vince. Ciò significa che il vostro flusso di cassa è minore  ma più frequente  e quindi la volatilità dei rendimenti è inferiore.

La stessa cosa vale per i  Bitcoin e la Cryptovaluta.
  Se si dispone di una macchina 1TH e la hashpower totale Bitcoin di rete è 1 PetaHash allora si ha un 1 di  1000 come  possibilità di risolvere il blocco  ogni dieci minuti.
Si potrebbe anche non risolverlo per periodi più lunghi, ma unendosi  insieme ad altri minatori in un pool  si può formare un gruppo  e lavorando  di concerto per dividere i rendimenti in relazione a quale percentuale di hashpower si contribuisce alla piscina. Quindi, se avete 10 TH di una piscina mineraria 100 ° e si vince il premio blocco di 25 Bitcoin - che avrebbe ricevuto il 10% o 2,5 BTC.

Le pool Mining sono un buon modo per investire prendendosi  di solito lì 1-2% delle vostre vincite.  
Invece di collegare il nostro minatore Bitcoin che abbiamo  acquistato - possiamo  esternalizzare ulteriormente con l'acquisto di un contratto di data mining che ti dà diritto a una certa quantità di energia hash per un certo periodo di tempo. Questo si chiama CLOUD MINING.

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 ISCRITTO DAL 21/12/2016

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We offer cutting-edge trend of profit - collective participation in a multimillion-dollar business, which aims to design and to utilize high-performance equipment for cryptocurrency mining. In our work, we use only advanced technologies and advanced algorithms for both Bitcoin mining and marketing promotion of the company.

World Miners Limited offers the best conditions in the international market of investment and trust management. The technical group and the team of financial experts are making every effort to ensure safety of your assets and rapid multiplication of your capital. 

Due to the ingenious financial development strategy, World Miners Limited offers a unique investment service of daily profit from 10% to 15%. Your money start working immediately after making a deposit, and after only 24 hours your profit will be available for withdrawal. The number of deposits, as well as the total amount of your investment are not limited - so that you could have the opportunity to earn, World Miners is ready to realize all your profit expectations and to become your true financial companion for years to come! We remind you that all investments are for life - this means that you can not get your deposit back, but it will bring you a profit on a daily basis throughout the lifespan of the company.


Bitcoin prices are near 750$, that’s just 1% from the 2016 high seen in June.
Bitcoin is receiving long-term support, staying above the 700 level for more than two weeks now. According to market sentiment data, the market is highly bullish. The data show that 82-89% of traders are going long.

Analysts claim that the price rise hasn’t ended yet and still is being fueled by new bitcoin buyers. That indicates that there is still enough new money coming in to push the prices higher. Another factor which may be driving the Bitcoin’s price is a series of macroeconomic issues.
China has recently imposed capital controls and restricted gold importation. Gold is usually a safe haven asset for investors, so taking it away makes the traders seek for other ones with high liquidity and solid global exchange rates. China has a large population of Bitcoin miners playing a key role in bitcoin trading who see the cryptocurrency as a good method of investment and wealth protection.
Current situation in India may be supporting Bitcoin’s price too. India Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, decided to take out 500 and 1000-ruppe notes out of circulation. Reducing corruption and black market activity is the goal, but it may also cause liquidity problems in the country.
Ether’s problems may also be influencing the Bitcoin’s price. Ethereum has faced some significant problems lately, such as three forks in several months. Market obsersvers are pointing out the network’s recent progress, but it seems that it’s not enough to let this cryptocurrency rebound. Ether’s price fell to the lowest level since April.
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Buy Bitcoin at CEX.IO

Introduced in August 2012, PEERCOIN (PPC) is one of the oldest in the community of Altcoin cyiptocurrencies and represents an important competitor of Bitcoin.

The PPC was created by Scott Nadal and Sunny King, developer who also created the Primecoin. Peercoin was the first to combine proof-of-work and proof-of-stake in a hybrid system that aims to address and resolve the weaknesses of Bitcoin, including using less energy and therefore in opposition to the “big brother” also like Green alternative.

 Bitcoin has often been criticized for its heavy consumption of resources in terms of energy consumption, we refer of course to the mining activity and continued halving of profitability, which require increasingly powerful and expensive equipment in fuel efficiency to earn the same amount of BTC through block rewards. Currently, it is estimated, the Bitcoin network consumes about $ 150,000 of energy in a single day. Peercoin takes a different approach, using a hybrid algorithm that initially uses proof-of-work, but, little by little, in proportion to the development of the network switches to implement proof-of-stake transitions. The generation of new currency, then, is not exclusively assigned to the activity of mining, but the Peercoin network rewards users with a new currency that simply possess Peercoin and execute his client on your computer. Thus the term “proof-of-stake” literally means that rewards users who maintain a stake, a “stake” on the network, and then keep up the network. That’s why Peercoin uses far less energy than the Bitcoin network, and is touted as a sustainable and environmentally altcoin. As evidence of this, the consumption data available from January 2014, indicate that the Peercoin network is using only 30% of the energy it uses Bitcoin. And this parameter will decrease further in time. As an added benefit, users “proof-of-stake” are rewarded with a 1% interest a year to maintain their active share on the network. The mechanism operates substantially as interest on a checking account and encourages people to stay active in the network. This particular, would result in an inflation rate of 1%, but in reality, this potential ,, inflation is counteracted by 0.01 PPC that apply to every transaction, and this is not the case in terms of earnings for the miners, as happens to Bitcoin network, but “burning” commissions. Peercoin, therefore, actually destroys the fees and removes the amount of the circulating currency, thus creating a deflationary chain. The joint mechanisms of 1% annual interest and 0.01 PPC commission creates a particularly interesting dynamic and original from which it Peercoin is primarily designed to discourage frequent transactions and encourage the possession. This feature makes Peercoin uninteresting as a payment platform, making its purpose is significantly different compared to the other currencies that are certainly more transation-friendly.

The Peercoin development community has also introduced Peershares, it is a decentralized solution for companies that want to issue shares and dividends without having to resort to a third stock trader. A company should convert a certain amount of Peercoins in a new blockchain representing all the shares of this company. The new blockchain will be divided among the shareholders, allowing the company to raise funds and, to holders of Peershares, to get dividends.

Peercoin currently has a market capitalization of nearly $ 50 million making it the fourth most popular cryptocurrency in terms of wealth. Although we are far from the market cap of Bitcoin and despite the market dynamics are very complex, with many factors that come into play in determining the value of a cryptocurrency, it can certainly assume that the various features green and constitutive of the Peercoin make cryptocurrencies one of the most sustainable and reliable on the market. Of course it remains to be seen whether the characteristics of Peercoin, sometimes to the prize possession and penalizing with transactions, is not perceived as a bug in the eyes of users, or there will be a space for this original approach in an overall market that will likely continue to be dominated from transaction-centric coins as Darkcoin, litecoin and Bitcoin.

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Many people all over the world have come around to the idea of using Bitcoin as an everyday currency. With more and more merchants accepting cryptocurrency as a means of payment, there’s an option to ease away from paper money and credit cards in favor of tech-based assets. But when it comes to more advanced financial dealings, some still view Bitcoin with some skepticism. Take lending, for instance.
There’s a tendency among some Bitcoin skeptics to look at lending as a risky or unsustainable type of investment transaction to try with cryptocurrency. Bitcoin remains largely unregulated around the world, and that very concept will scare some people off. The idea that an investment-related transaction can be made without any kind of bank or financial institution holding participants accountable, or backing up the funds, can be a little bit unsettling on the surface. However, there’s actually precedent suggesting a Bitcoin lending transaction can be upheld via the law, and that stability may lead to more people exploring what can actually be a fairly simple and profitable investment.
Last summer, a United States judge ruled that a man must pay back a loan originally solicited in Bitcoin. In this specific instance, the man had been loaned 11.95 BTC, worth about $10,000 at the time. He was ordered to pay back $67,591.

The greater point here is that the lack of regulation behind Bitcoin did not prevent a legal case from ruling in favor of upholding a lending transaction.
But what makes Bitcoin lending appealing to those who do it? Here’s a brief overview of the process.

The general concept of peer-to-peer lending (or P2PL as it’s sometimes abbreviated) is to loan someone else your own funds and gain interest when the loan is repaid. This is the same as any financial loan, except that the peer-to-peer nature of the transaction eliminates the need for a bank to get involved. In other words, no institution is ever controlling the funds. It’s just you and whomever you loan to.
Bitcoin is particularly appealing to some people who want to undertake this sort of passive investment for a couple of reasons:
    • For one, transferring cryptocurrency in a P2PL agreement is arguably a more straightforward process than dealing with ordinary currency.
    • Additionally, the interest rates in BTC-based P2PL are fairly high, usually between 10 and 20 percent.
Cryptocurrency P2PL is not simply something you do with friends or people you know. There are other more productive ways of securing lending agreements that can earn you legitimate financial returns. One way is lending to an actual Bitcoin exchange, which might want to borrow funds for the purpose of leverage transactions. In other words, if an exchange needs to make a transaction with a given amount of BTC, it might borrow half of that BTC from a lender so as to make a bigger trade with less of its own capital. In this case, the exchange’s immediate needs can be met, and you (the loaner) can generate interest when your loan is repaid. Both Bitfinex and Poloniex are exchanges that offer these kinds of arrangements (though it’s worth noting that the former was recently hacked).

The other, perhaps simpler way to find P2PL agreements is to look into any of a number of Bitcoin lending companies that exist to pair lenders with borrowers. BTCjam and Bitbond are two well-known companies in this regard, and can automatically set you up with the lending agreement that suits your purposes.
Ultimately, it’s an intriguing way to put your funds to work for you and generate passive income. Like any investment, cryptocurrency P2PL comes with risks, such as the borrower defaulting on the loan. But with the knowledge that there’s legal precedent for major deals being upheld, and by diversifying your loans across a range of borrowers, you can feel relatively secure about this sort of arrangement. At the very least, it’s something for regular Bitcoin users and/or investors to look into.



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giovedì 1 dicembre 2016


“HYIP 1-day” to gain in the shortest possible time. very high risk, way to lose money quickly, they are definitely not recommended in fainthearted except in rare exceptions. For amounts under $ 500, we always advised to not invest large sums in a single program, the risk not worth the gain. The basic interessse for a A1D with the input figure is the order of 2-2.5% and the risk of losing the capital to cash a couple of dollars is certainly not worth it, especially since that amount will also reduced from transaction fees.
Sometimes these programs offer also A3D and A5D options or even higher, to our experience, it’s better don’t invest over the 5 day period, there is a risk that some “optimistic” in the world entering with a $ 5-10,000 investment and at that point the admin, book the plane and go to Bermuda!
medium- and long-term programs, are programs where you get interest of 1-2% per day for 100 days or more, may or may not have time limits, may or may not have a maximum percentage of gain.

Are those programs that allow the withdrawal of the capital at any time, usually with the deduction of a percentage of 5-10%, sometimes but rarely without any commission

Programs in which you can invest only through the crypto-currency bitcoin, they usually have a formula with hourly interest, with interests that can fluctuate from 0.1 to 0.2% per hour.
New category that can be inserted into the BCT-ONLY, but that introduced major elements of interest. This new generation of HYIP Program fact the rim of Faucets gain logic, supported by ADS networks with that of high yield investments.
It is therefore necessary to any kind of investment to begin to accumulate Bitcoin, but simply the registration and the “Claim” on the internal Faucet.
Obviously, if you invest, you can increase the claim value and capacity of your account, or the amount in BTC cumulative maximum between a claim and the other. Another feature is the minimum amount to withdraw and the interval timebetween a withdraw and the next, these parameters varies depending on the project and the investment plan.
You can also accumulate extra income withholding the funds on the site, often in fact, these new programs at every midnight offer a daily bonus based on the amount.
Separate discussion needed on Sleepers. They have dedicated a specific post..
 very high risk, way to lose money quickly, they are definitely not recommended in fainthearted except in rare exceptions. For amounts under $ 500, we always advised to not invest large sums in a single program, the risk not worth the gain. The basic interessse for a A1D with the input figure is the order of 2-2.5% and the risk of losing the capital to cash a couple of dollars is certainly not worth it, especially since that amount will also reduced from transaction fees.
Sometimes these programs offer also A3D and A5D options or even higher, to our experience, it’s better don’t invest over the 5 day period, there is a risk that some “optimistic” in the world entering with a $ 5-10,000 investment and at that point the admin, book the plane and go to Bermuda!

medium- and long-term programs, are programs where you get interest of 1-2% per day for 100 days or more, may or may not have time limits, may or may not have a maximum percentage of gain.


Are those programs that allow the withdrawal of the capital at any time, usually with the deduction of a percentage of 5-10%, sometimes but rarely without any commission


Programs in which you can invest only through the crypto-currency bitcoin, they usually have a formula with hourly interest, with interests that can fluctuate from 0.1 to 0.2% per hour.

New category that can be inserted into the BCT-ONLY, but that introduced major elements of interest. This new generation of HYIP Program fact the rim of Faucets gain logic, supported by ADS networks with that of high yield investments.
It is therefore necessary to any kind of investment to begin to accumulate Bitcoin, but simply the registration and the “Claim” on the internal Faucet.
Obviously, if you invest, you can increase the claim value and capacity of your account, or the amount in BTC cumulative maximum between a claim and the other. Another feature is the minimum amount to withdraw and the interval timebetween a withdraw and the next, these parameters varies depending on the project and the investment plan.
You can also accumulate extra income withholding the funds on the site, often in fact, these new programs at every midnight offer a daily bonus based on the amount.

Separate discussion needed on Sleepers. They have dedicated a specific post..



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