This investment option can be used to profit on price fluctuation of BitConnect Coin (BCC). You can buy BitConnect coin at a lower price and selling them at higher price.

You can also profiting from downward movements in BitConnect coin price by selling them at a higher price and buy them again at a lower price and pocketing the price difference. If you wants to profit from short selling, you have to own BitConnect Coin in the first place. Buy BitConnect Coin from BCC Exchange with Bitcoins first.

This investment option can be used to profit on price fluctuation of BitConnect Coin (BCC). You can buy BitConnect coin at a lower price and selling them at higher price.
Profiting from BitConnect Coin(BCC) trading

You can also profiting from downward movements in BitConnect coin price by selling them at a higher price and buy them again at a lower price and pocketing the price difference. If you wants to profit from short selling, you have to own BitConnect Coin in the first place. Buy BitConnect Coin from BCC Exchange with Bitcoins first.
Just follow the steps below and you’ll have your Bitcoins working for you.
1. Deposit bitcoins first
- Visit BCC trading page:
- Simply Click on "Green Button" to get your Bitcoin deposit address.
- Once bitcoin sent to bitcoin address you will see unconfirmed transaction appear with pending confirmation on transaction history page. It will be fully confirmed and available for trade with 3 bitcoin confirmations. It can take around 30 minutes or more time depending on bitcoin network so do not worry and wait quietly.
2. Buy BitConnect Coin from BCC Exchange
- Once you see balance in your Bitcoin wallet visit BCC trading page:
- Simply Fill in buy BitConnect Coin (BCC) form for your desired price and click "Buy BitConnect Coin" Button.

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