Cash Fund dedicated to the victims of the NANO theft
In view of the forthcoming reopening of (we will soon announce the exact date), BitGrail srl intends to inform its users of the details of the soon to be established cash fund dedicated to NANO owners, victims of the theft that was communicated on February 9 2018.Prior to that, a premise concerning the suffered theft and Bitgrail's obligations arising from the theft itself.
BitGrail S.r.l intends to stress having been subject to theft, a crime made possible by taking advantage of faults in the team NANO's softwares (rai_node and the official block explorer) and therefore, for these reasons and in accordance with the law, it is not in any way responsible for the situation.
We confirm that an investigation led by the legal authorities is underway The purpose of the investigation is to shed light on the theft, therefore we have already provided all the useful elements in order to reconstruct the facts, including the evidence concerning those involved in the fraudolent activity, who took advantage of the vulnerability of NANO's software, thus not Bitgrail's.
Those grounds are alone sufficient to relieve BitGrail S.r.l of any refund obligation and/or repayment of the stolen amounts.
However, as further demonstration of the good intentions and seriousness of the company, in order to meet its users half-way though without recognition of any liability, BitGrail S.r.l intends, on a voluntary basis, to establish a cash fund (by creating a token) dedicated to the users damaged by the theft. Doing so, they'll be enabled to recover their stolen funds over time.
We must specify that, since they are not victim of the theft, users that didn't own NANO will have full access to their coins at the site reopening. (all the coins are safe, apart from XRB).
Token BGS (BitGrail Shares)
A new token (BGS, BitGrail Shares) is already present on the wallet page. 15.6 MLN of them have been distributed in a 1 to 1 ratio with the stolen NANO.
The users who have been damaged by the theft (Meaning solely and exclusively all the NANO owners on Bitgrail) can already see their 20% updated XRB balance and, at the same time, the remaining part (80%) converted into BGS.
Access and ownership to/of the BitGrail's token is granted only to users who will accept the settlement agreement, as stated in the next point.
The new BitGrail Shares token will have its own market on Bitgrail's platform. It will be possibile to trade the token, but not deposit it or withdraw it. It is not excluded that the abovementioned token could be converted into an apposite cryptocurrency, thus enabling withdrawal and deposit.
The first of the month BitGail will use the 50% of the previous month trading fees income in order to reacquire the BGS token, proportionally among the users who have them in their Balance.
The tokens' buyback will occurr at the fixed price of 10.5 $ per unit (in Bitcoin), considering an average of BTC/USD pair among various exchanges ( Bitfinex, Binance, Bitstamp...)
As said, it will be possible to trade BGS on the platform. Users who own said token will be able to buy and/or sell at a different pricing from the one required for the buyback. Doing so, users will have the chance of liquidating their BGS in advance, whenever there is an adequate market situation with the desired price.
Any amount that can, in case, be recovered from those who have perpetrated the unauthorised withdrawals (therefore materially in the availabilty of BitGrail S.r.l) will be immediately destinated to the tokens' owners up to the extent of the pro rata sums subracted from the damaged users. (with value of 10.5$)
Agreement with the users
With the reopening of the site, the use of the platform for the victims of the theft will be bound by the signature of a settlement agreement. The latter will be characterised by an expressed renouncement from the users to every type of legal action, and will have to be formalized through the compilation of a form. The last will have to be printed, signed and uplodaded with the attached documents.Such renouncement will allow the availability of the BGS tokens above described. In denegata hypothesis, subjects who won't accept the settlement agreement will have no alternative except for the account termination in compliance with the TOSs.
Extra UE users
As already anticipated in the past, BitGrail won't be able to guarantee the trading to the extra UE users for a limited period of time.Our intention is to reopen the access to the whole world as soon as possible.
Extra UE users will be able to deposit and withdraw. The BGS token buypack will also be available.
Implementations of the platform
With the purpose of guaranteeing a faster execution of the plan concerning the purchase of the tokens owned by the victims of the theft who have accepted the agreement, BitGrail S.r.l. will immediately work on the implementation of the site, focusing on:- Markets/pair increasing by adding other criptocurrencies
- Interface and charts improvements
- an APP for smartphone / tablet
- the realization of a referral link system
Thanks for the attention.
Bitgrail S.r.l.
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